Casket Gaskets

In 2008 Central Rubber & Plastics acquired two Multi-decked Casket Gasket Presses from Johnson Rubber Company. These presses were designed and built to manufacture Four Gaskets at a time. By using five heated platens, each press can accommodate four individual tools. Daily production can exceed 600 units per press.

Casket Press

Machine 1 Central Rubber & Plastics also purchased the Material Formula which has been approved by the Casket Industry. This material will not mar or stain the finish of the casket or the fabric liners and is resistant to weathering and allows controlled gassing and venting. This material has been used in excess of 20 years and has been field tested and approved.

Funeral Casket Contact us to discuss your Casket industry material needs!

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P.0. Box 821
Goshen, IN 46527-0821
17416 C.R. 34
Goshen, IN 46528

Ph: 574.534.6411
Fax: 574.534.4500